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Maths in school

Maths Intent

To be curious about maths and explore how mathematics is integral to the world around them.

We enable children to succeed in everyday life by mastering essential financial literacy.

From Nursey to year 6 children will become confident and fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and overtime will reason and problem solve increasing complex concepts. 

The approach to mathematics at KHA can be summarised with the expression:

“Build it, Draw it, Write it, Say it.”

This approach is similar to Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract (CPA).

Build it

The “build it” stage is about exposing children to new ideas using concrete manipulatives (resources children can hold in their hands). This helps children to develop a strong foundational understanding where, for example, each of the base ten blocks is literally ten times larger than the last, embedding that key understanding more effectively than simply moving digits between columns.

Draw it

Once children are confident with the key concept and have “built it”, they can “draw it” by using visual representations and simple jottings to support their problem solving. For example, by drawing a bar model, children can see that a question is asking them to ‘find the difference’ and they therefore need to use a subtraction calculation to solve the problem.

Write it

After this stage, children will “write it” in a number sentence using formal methods where this is the most appropriate.

Say it

Whilst children build, draw and write, we encourage them to talk about what they have learnt and to discuss any patterns that they have noticed, to make links with other subjects and with real life. We encourage children to speak in full sentence answers using mathematical vocabulary.


Our curriculum meets the ambitions of the National Curriculum and is designed so that children make progress from Nursery to Year 6. To ensure this progress, our progression document is based upon the Enfield Medium Term plans which offer children the opportunity to revisit mathematical concepts multiple times within each school year. In addition to providing this progression, learning objectives have been chosen to ensure that children can learn fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.

Teachers draw upon a wide range of resources to bring learning to life and make links to other subject areas where appropriate. For example, Year 2 make bread which involves using real life measuring equipment and interpreting the measurements of a recipe – this links with their history topic of The Great Fire of London. In Year 5, the children investigated air resistance which enable them to apply their knowledge of collecting and analysing data using charts tables and graphs.


In the Early Years, children are initially exposed to mathematics through play, song and story which provide frequent and varied opportunities to develop a secure base of knowledge from which mastery of mathematics is built. Counting and subitising are key skills at this age. Maths opportunities can be found everywhere in EYFS: indoors and outdoors. Children learn about maths altogether during carpet sessions which are followed up in direct teacher-led groups. We aim to foster a curiosity and love of mathematics from the beginning of children’s education journey. To embed a growth mindset, children are encouraged to reflect on their learning and understand that mistakes are part of the learning process. Learning is rooted in role play: there are opportunities for children to think critically to solve real life problems involving the role play equipment.

Times Tables

Pupils have access to Times Table Rockstars where they can practise their multiplication and division tables through a fun online game. In addition to this home learning, children are given regular short lessons throughout the week to focus on a particular multiplication and division table. Lessons can involve songs, chanting or exploring patterns using manipulatives such as Numicon. We aim for children to reach the national expectation of having a good level of fluency in times tables to mentally multiply and divide by the end of Year 4 so that they can then use these facts to problem solve more effectively in Years 5 and 6.

Developing a love of Mathematics

The school celebrates a love of mathematics through special days. For example, the maths storybook “365 Penguins” was used as an opportunity to get the whole school community talking about maths for the day. 

We run parent workshops to support parents and carers to understand how the school approaches maths and how and why it may have changed since their time at school.

Success in Times Table Rockstars is celebrated each week.

Teachers scaffold learning to the needs of all students especially those with SEND. This enables all children to be successful and to enjoy learning maths.

Additional challenge is available for all children but for our most enthusiastic mathematicians, we find opportunities to reward and extend their passion for maths for example through the Primary Maths Challenge (Years 5 and 6) and First Maths Challenge (Year 3 and 4).

In Year 6, children have an opportunity to apply their mathematical learning and develop their financial literacy during Enterprise Week.

In partnership with the financial literacy charity, Redstart, the school is committed to empowering young people with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed financial decisions.

At Kingfisher Hall, we know that a love of maths and confidence and curiosity as mathematicians sets children up for the best possible outcomes in their future academic, work and personal lives.